Homlab-Homeopathic Pharmacy Gerard Bocquee CEO, Suite 2/72 Vuture Street, entry from Thomas street, West End

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Homlab-Homeopathic Pharmacy Gerard Bocquee CEO is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Health   Pharmacy  


+61 7 3846 0440

Suite 2/72 Vuture Street, entry from Thomas street, West End, Queensland 4101

Establishment   Health   Pharmacy  

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  • Vanessa White
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Homeopathy is the only thing that works for me & my kids. Dr Amit Mishra is extremely helpful & knowledgeable. Love using their service. If only there were more places like this!!
  • Sunny D
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    We went in with an open mind but sadly the reality of it all came to light pretty immediately. We were told things like 'in Europe homeopaths have to be doctors' and 'every ailment that exists has a cure in this book' so we were still pretty hopeful at that stage. Following this speech things went downhill fast from there with the 5 second computer palm reading test (which has a massive disclaimer stating *This program should not be used to give medical advice in any form*). It is supposedly the most thoroughly ​conclusive test known to man. According to homlab, it detects everything about your human form from head to toe. This includes things like your brain activity, your blood chemistry and ph levels through to blockages in your nervous system, the 5 second test apparently even picks up your emotional tendencies!
    After this they'll use that rubbish test to try and tie some herbs to treat your case by entering random phrases into Google. Herbs given for my wife's stomach have unsurprisingly done nothing. And for my case, the computer test said I had no autoimmune conditions yet I presented with alopecia.
    Alopecia is by definition an autoimmune condition, I brought this up to the homlab staff to which he simply shrugged his shoulders. He told me to continue looking on 'Dr Google' for an answer myself.
    So it came to the end of the appointment and time to pay up. At this stage I was pretty disheartened, we came with full optimism reading the reviews before us and trusted these people enough to open up to them. The experience cost $100 for my wife and $20 for her medicine. I elected not to have the herbs but I was still charged $120 for the shoulder shrugging session.
    I do believe there are competent naturopaths out there with your best wishes and health at heart, but homlab are not it, they're just after your money. Wishing you a healthy life
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Homlab-Homeopathic Pharmacy Gerard Bocquee CEO is based in West End. Full address is Suite 2/72 Vuture Street, entry from Thomas street. Australia postal code is 4101. We invite you to visit the official website of Homlab-Homeopathic Pharmacy Gerard Bocquee CEO . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 7 3846 0440 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Homlab-Homeopathic Pharmacy Gerard Bocquee CEO.
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